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SMARTSPECIF provides a special focus on access to Eurasian Economic Area. This region, which Russia, Kazakhstan, Belorussia and Armenia, develops specific technical regulations, standardq and conformity assessment systems.
Today, when the talk is all about simplification, soft law and better regulation, SMARTSPECIF helps institutional organizations to define regulatory instruments for applying public policy, such as

- defining essential regulatory requirements;

- reference to standards resulting from standardization processes;

- elements of quality infrastructure: standardization system, technical regulation system, accreditation system, market surveillance;

proactive actions for approximation with international practices: action to exert influence, harmonization, mutual recognition agreements, international cooperation.


Collaboration and synergy between players constitute effective asset for developing new specifications and promoting specific characteristics.

SMARTSPECIF supports groups and organizations in carrying out collective action, using the convergence of businesses and technologies, as well as cooperation efforts (public-private, international, etc.).



SMARTSPECIF helps companies and organizations to integrate the key component “Specifications - Specific characteristics” into their strategy and processes.
After carrying out a shared analysis, it is a matter of establishing methods for integrating concepts and action into
- the strategic approach;
- the innovation process;
- the economic intelligence policy.
Actions to raise awareness are also proposed.
SMARTSPECIF helps companies and organizations to identify and implement the best levers and tools for accessing national and international markets, including
- relevant specifications (technical regulations, standards, rules, conformity assessment procedures...);
- a strategy for exerting influence nationally, regionally (Europe, for example) and internationally;
- a focus on innovation;
- a focus on conformity and promotion of specific characteristics.

After producing an inventory and carrying out a shared analysis of the existing specifications regarding the specific characteristics of the intended objectives, SMARTSPECIF supports purchasers, public authorities or influencers in determining the most suitable methods of drawing up specifications according to the requirements and the potential impact.