Like all socio-economic actors, companies must today take into account and seize the prospects offered by technological developments, the diversity of economic, environmental and social challenges, the increasing interdependence of businesses as well as the structure of the economic fabric in countries with high potential and their market access requirements.
While leading to increasingly complex challenges that must be anticipated, these factors also present a multitude of opportunities.
In this context, the ability of companies and organizations to establish, influence and master the specifications relating to access to national and international markets constitutes a major asset in promoting their special characteristics and consolidating their performance in terms of competition, sustainable development, safety and security.
The term “Specification” applies both to actions, which consist in determining the precise requirements to be complied with, as well as the results of such action.
A specification may be compulsory (regulation, directive), contractual (private contract, public procurement) or voluntary (standard resulting from a standardization process, private standard, company standard). A voluntary specification may be imposed by the market.
The conditions for demonstrating conformity with a specification are often themselves subject to specifications.
Action on specifications by purchasers, public authorities or influencers, will be even more efficient and relevant if
- they establish a precise inventory of the specifications that exist in the area concerned and in related areas;
- they analyse these specifications with regard to the specific characteristics of their objectives.
They can then assess the need to develop or add to the existing specifications and define how to proceed in order to succeed.
In addition, inclusion of their specific characteristics will depend on their ability to influence the development of specifications (regulations, standards) to which they can contribute.
The success of products and services providers in markets they are aiming at, will be even greater if
- they identify as far as possible in advance the specifications for these markets and take account of these in their processes;
- they can demonstrate, using optimum methods, compliance with the specifications, while adhering to the conditions specified, if any.
They will derive even greater benefits if they can hughlight their specific characteristics in the market
- through innovation;
- through their own influence nationally, regionally and internationally with regard to developing specifications (lobbying, participation in standardization, etc.).
Consult the section “Our expertise”, which describes our services, which relate to